This web site is for downloading of:

- Test images/video

- Some classic image/video standard documents

- Program templates for image/video processing

- The set of useful MATLAB/Octave scripts

- The set of useful bash scripts

- Examples of Python2 / Python3 scripts

- The set of C programs for beginners

- The set of Windows programs for crash introduction to Win32 programming

- Results of author's work in Image/video processing, mathematics, Solar Activity

- and more ...

It will be useful for:

- Co Op Students

- Programmers

- R&D engineers

- Scientists

- Everybody who is interested in new technologies


Additional Useful Web Sites: topics:

- Algol60/AlgolW/Pascal/Oberon Standards

- Algol60/AlgolW/Pascal/Oberon Programming

- Future Programming Languages Development topics:

- C/Assembler/bash programming

- Data Structure/Algorithms

- C Image Processing Programming

- Linux Documentation topics:

- Solar Activity Studying

- Climate Prediction, including New Ice Age

- Old Classic Scientific Books