Numerical Mathematical Algorithms / Books:

in development ...

VectMatr.h TestVect.c TestMatr.c Vector and Square Matrix Algebra Library implementation with Tests

Histogram.c Function for calculation of Histogram for vector with data

MeanStdDev.c Function for calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation

LinCorrCoef.c Function for calculation of Linear Correlation Coefficient

CorrMatr.c datamatr.txt Function for calculation of Correlation Matrix for data table

MatrixDeterm.c Function for calculation of Matrix Determinant

LinearEquations.c Function for Linear Equation System solving


AtkinsonHanStewart "Numerical Solution of ODE"

Burden, Faires "Numerical Analysis"

Chasnov "Introduction to Numerical Methods"

Gautschi "Numerical Analysis"

Stoer, Bulirsch " Introduction to Numerical Analysis "

Milovanovic "Numerical Methods In Computational Engineering"

Remani "Numerical Methods for Solving Systems of NonLinear Equations"

Root finding For Nonlinear Equations

Scott "Numerical Analysis"

Solomon "Numerical Algorithms"

Books / Matlab:

Schafer "Computational Engineering - Introduction to Numerical Methods"

Bergara "Finite-difference Numerical Methods of Partial Differential Equations in Finance with Matlab"

Introduction To Programming And Numerical Methods In Matlab

Mathworks " Introdiction To Programming and Numerical Methods In MATLAB

Yang, Mohlenkamp " Numerical Methods And Matlab Programming For Engineers"

Books / C:

Nomura "C Programming and Numerical Analysis-An Introduction"

Richard Fitzpatrick "Computational Physics" -"


Hiptmair "Numerical Methods For Computational Science and Engineering"

Hjorth-Jensen "Computational Physics"

Mate "Intro To Numerical Analysis With C programs"

Press,Teukolsky, Vetterling,Flannery "Numerical Recipes in C"

Salleh, Zomaya, AbuBakar "Computing for Numeric Methods Using VC++"

Books / Fortran:

Chivers sleightholme "Interactive Fortran 77"

Anagnagnostopoulos "Computational Physics"


Forsythe Malcolm Moler code

Hjorth-Jensen "Computational Physics"

Kahaner, Moler "Numerical Methods and Software"

"Numerical Recipes in F77"

"Numerical Recipes in F90"

Sandu "Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing"

Books / Pascal:

Cheney, Kincaid "Numerical Mathematics and Computing"