My Scientific Articles:

In development ...

Articles about Image Processing

Local_polynomial_approximation.pdf Image Local Polynomial Approximation and its applications.

SobelScharrGradients5x5.pdf Prewitt, Sobel and Scharr gradient 5x5 convolution matrices.

Article about Numerical Mathematics

bisection2.pdf Bisection2 algorithm for solving of system of two equations.

Presentation of Traffic Video Psrocessing

Rain Video Processing presentation

hl_Board Presentation Final

Articles in development:


book "Introduction to Surreal Calculus"

Introduction to Surreal Numbers

Dirac Delta Function Representation in Leibniz Calculus

Topological Bisection Part 2

Thirty-digit numbering system and its use for engineering and scientific calculations.

Solution of Differential Equations Sensitive to Initial Conditions

Maximizing the Deflection of Ballistic Pendulum

Classification of elliptic functions using a mechanical model